\documentclass[12pt]{article} \addtolength{\textheight}{2.7in} \addtolength{\topmargin}{-1.25in} \addtolength{\textwidth}{1.0in} \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-0.5in} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.65in} \setlength{\parskip}{0.1in} \setlength{\parindent}{0.0in} \newcommand{\given}{\, | \,} \pagestyle{empty} \raggedbottom \begin{document} \vspace*{-0.3in} \begin{flushleft} Prof.~David Draper \\ Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics \\ University of California, Santa Cruz \end{flushleft} \begin{center} \textbf{\large AMS 206: Quiz 1 \textit{[40 total points]}} \end{center} \begin{flushleft} Name: \underline{\hspace*{5.85in}} \end{flushleft} Here is Your background information, translatable into $\mathcal{ B }$, for this problem. \begin{itemize} \item \textit{(Fact 1)} As a broad generalization (which you can verify empirically), statisticians tend to have shy personalities more often than economists do --- let's quantify this observation by assuming that 80\% of statisticians are shy but the corresponding percentage among economists is only 15\%. \item \textit{(Fact 2)} Conferences on the topic of \textit{econometrics} are almost exclusively attended by economists and statisticians, with the majority of participants being economists --- let's quantify this fact by assuming that 90\% of the attendees are economists (and the rest statisticians). \end{itemize} Suppose that you (a physicist, say) go to an econometrics conference --- you strike up a conversation with the first person you (haphazardly) meet, and find that this person is shy. The point of this problem is to show that the (conditional) probability $p$ that you're talking to a statistician, given this data and the above background information, is only about 37\%, which most people find surprisingly low, and to understand why this is the right answer. Let $St$ = (person is statistician), $E$ = (person is economist), and $Sh$ = (person is shy). \begin{itemize} \item[(a)] Identify (in the form of a proposition $B_1$, one of the elements of $\mathcal{ B }$) the most important assumption needed in this problem to permit its solution to be probabilistic; expain briefly. \textit{[5 points]} \vspace*{0.75in} \item[(b)] Using the $St$, $E$ and $Sh$ notation, express the three numbers (80\%, 15\%, 90\%) above, and the probability we're solving for, in conditional probability terms, remembering to condition appropriately on $\mathcal{ B }$. \textit{[5 points]} \vspace*{0.75in} \item[(c)] Briefly explain why calculating the desired probability is a good job for Bayes's Theorem. \textit{[5 points]} \vspace*{0.7in} \begin{center} (over) \end{center} \newpage \item[(d)] Briefly explain why the following expression is a correct use of Bayes's Theorem in odds form in this problem. \textit{[5 points]} \vspace*{-0.1in} \begin{center} \Large \[ \begin{array}{ccccc} \left[ \frac{ P ( St \given Sh , \, \mathcal{ B } ) }{ P ( E \given Sh , \, \mathcal{ B }) } \right] & = & \left[ \frac{ P ( St \given \mathcal{ B }) }{ P ( E \given \mathcal{ B } ) } \right] & \cdot & \left[ \frac{ P ( Sh \given St , \, \mathcal{ B }) }{ P ( Sh \given E , \, \mathcal{ B }) } \right] \\ ( 1 ) & = & ( 2 ) & \cdot & ( 3 ) \end{array} \] \normalsize \end{center} \vspace*{0.5in} \item[(e)] Here are three terms that are relevant to the quantities in part (d) above: \begin{itemize} \item (Prior odds in favor of $St$ over $E$ given $\mathcal{ B }$) \item (Bayes factor in favor of $St$ over $E$ given the data and $\mathcal{ B }$) \item (Posterior odds in favor of $St$ over $E$ given the data and $\mathcal{ B }$) \end{itemize} Match these three terms with the numbers $( 1 ), ( 2 ), ( 3 )$ in the second line of the equation in part (d). \textit{[5 points]} \vspace*{0.75in} \item[(f)] Compute the three odds values in part (e), briefly explaining your reasoning, thereby demonstrating that the posterior odds value $o$ in favor of $St$ over $E$, given the data and $\mathcal{ B }$, is $o = \frac{ 16 }{ 27 } \doteq 0.593$. \textit{[5 points]} \vspace*{1.25in} \item[(g)] Use the expression $p = \frac{ o }{ 1 + o }$ to show that the desired probability in this problem --- the conditional probability that you're talking to a statistician, given the data and the background information --- is $p = \frac{ 16 }{ 43 } \doteq 0.372$. \textit{[5 points]} \vspace*{1.25in} \item[(h)] Someone says, ``That probability can't be right: 80\% of statisticians are shy, versus 15\% for economists, so your probability of talking to a statistician has to be over 50\%.'' Briefly explain why this line of reasoning is wrong, and why $p$ should indeed be less than 50\%. \textit{[5 points]} \end{itemize} \end{document}